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Waking up can be hard to do. Even if the body has no trouble,  the mind can exhaust us before we even get the day started. Getting the body and mind set to having a "good day" must be intentional. We have to fight off negativity, fear and defeat first thing...before it gets a hold...It's hard to shake. Start with gratitude. Being thankful for anything you can think of. A quick prayer of thanksgiving to the One I love most, reminds me of what I'm waking and living for. There is nothing wrong with waking up comfortably! I put on the coffee, grab my soft blanket and curl up somewhere beautiful to just sit and think. Doing stuff distracts the mind from proper thoughts, so don't do...just sit still. Checking social media USUALLY doesn't help with this...unless your newsfeeds are stretegically culled for mental wellness 😁. Think about, or pray about the day ahead. Not necessarily about what you plan to accomplish, how you'll fix something or the fun you set...

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