All Icing and No Cake

Many things in life change. I, personally, really like change. I love the glimmer of shiny new shoes, the freshness of each new season and the visual sigh I get from a fresh coat of paint or even changing the layout of my furniture. Taking an occasional, spontaneous play day from the rigors of school and summer holidays are good for my soul. I am aware, however, that too much changing is not good:

Proverbs 24:21 "Do not associate with those who are given to change."

Oh my. Sounds harsh. After my momentary panic upon reading this verse for the first time, my learned, Hebrew student of a husband assured me that he can still hang around with me. The verse is talking about people who are "given" to change. The principle is one of faithfulness versus unfaithfulness. I can like mixin' it up with colors, scents and activities as long as I don't become so addicted to change that I become unstable and undependable (is that a word?). He should know. He finally let me pass on his ever so thinning Gumby & Pokey T- shirt from his high school years...that would make the shirt about 30 years old...and notice, I had to "pass it on" NOT throw it out. He is as frugal as he is faithful. I'm so in love.

I think the point I want to make here is that although I like change, I am learning to appreciate sameness. Boring, awkward word...kind of reflects it's meaning I guess. I don't like boring. I get depressed with mundane routine. No time for the usual, I've got places to go, people to meet and things to do! BUT............God has a funny way of teaching me things. Once in awhile, more often than I like to admit, life gets tough. It is during these tough times that I really appreciate sameness, or as I prefer to call it...faithfulness. Sailing into the unknown under a blue sky, with the warm sun and a gentle breeze is a wonderful, exciting thing, but when the sky darkens and the waters rebel against your sturdy boat, the thing you appreciate most is likely your anchor. Life just isn't a fairy tale. Fairy tales don't need anchors, just wings. I have experienced the peace and assurance of faithful, unchanging factors in my life that I don't want to live without...that have carried me through difficult times. That makes me want to become more faithful for those around me.

Ever wonder why cake is mostly cake and a little icing?? No? either...but let's just think about that now. Even I think too much icing is sickening. Not when you are 7, but that's because your brain isn't fully developed at 7. If you prefer cake that is 3/4 icing at an age beyond 20, may I suggest you see a nutritionist...or take up Pilates to gain some balance in your sweet life. We need lots of cake to get us through the dredges of life. A little icing for the momentary episodes of calm and the grace of pleasure. Of course, we must have coffee to go with our cake. I can't think of any profound symbolism for the addition of coffee. I don't really need to justify my's just always there for me. See...faithfulness :)

I am very thankful for the dependable things in my life that anchor me through the gales: my husband, my family, my church, my friends. Especially strong are the things I take from childhood. The values I was taught, the life lessons learned from good and bad experiences, people who loved me and are no longer here. Most importantly and most treasured is my Jesus. How can someone so unseen to the naked eye be so powerful and real? That's what His deity provides. He is both unchanging and dynamic. Fully loves, both in mercy and discipline. He is truthful, no matter what the cost. He is patient with the slow and yet hastens to do His perfect will. He is perfect...and I'm pretty sure He likes cake. The Maker of all things beautiful and pure pleasure has perfect balance. That is how I want to Him. It's a long shot, but He holds the scope and is the captain of my ship.
