Kitchen Drama

I have no intention of starting a cooking blog because that would require expertise and more hours at my disposal, neither of which I have. I do love cooking, food and blogs of such, however, so I just have to dabble a little. I just feel a deep compulsion to share with you some of my favorite foods, recipes and pictures (food is beautiful) because they make me so happy and maybe you can find some joy in them too! I run to cooking TV shows and blogs when I feel down. They ease my throbbing heart, slow my frantic pace and soothe my wounded emotions. Ok, they aren't a god of mine, just one of God's many pure creations that I delight in.

I mean pure too. I find the most pleasure in the healthy, natural stuff. You won't find a regular fudge recipe here, or pre-packaged anything. Honestly, I feel ill after eating most of those things. The odd ice cream cone or bowl of Kraft Dinner still snags me with no ill effect, but that's about it. Chocolate bars are even loosing their hold on me. That's only because of the availability of healthy substitutes. I am forever in debt to those who pass on these gems to us. I'm not loosing weight, but I'm not gaining much either and I feel so much better consuming them.

To start of my ode to food, I must applaud and give first place awards to some of my favorite, always use them, can't live without them, stars of the kitchen show:

Onions. Is there really any other food that compares? Besides being extremely healthy, they give vibrant life to just about any meal. They are like the paddles that get a heart started again. Life, zest and aroma are found in them. I really love all vegetables, so there is no point in posting pictures of all of them. It would be easier to post the ones I DON"T like...very few.

Garlic. Besides the great protection they provide from germs and vampires, they take me straight to Italy. They cover up my cooking mistakes and make everything smell and taste exotic.

Pure maple syrup. Not just because I'm Canadian...not just because I love to tap my own trees...not just because it's golden, sticky, rich, natural, unique and heavenly taste is irreplaceable...hug a maple tree :)

Cocoa. It just wouldn't be womanly to exclude this from my list. Mixed with maple syrup or honey and beautiful things happen. I really could add coffee to this dark bean category, but I don't think it counts as "food". I'll have to do a post on my favorite drugs ;)

Butter. Again, raw and natural greasy bliss. I remember the day I devoted loyalty to butter. My Cell Biology professor said in it's defense, "You can eat margarine and die of cancer, or eat butter and die of a heart attack". I chose the quicker death...and that's not even necessarily true about my creamy friend. I believe it's good for the do you think I got so fmart??

Cheese. The thorn in my flesh. I try to limit it to every second day, but sometimes I give in to more frequency. Rich and creamy, sharp and textured. No wonder I can't loose weight with all the nuts, cheese and butter I devour. I will lift weights and walk the trail till I die, if I can keep my cheese. I had a weak moment and allowed an image of a rodent on my blog. I hate rodents of any kind, but there was just something about this guy. Cheese can redeem almost anything.

Nuts. Around 11:00am, everyday, I crave nuts...almonds, peanuts, cashews, hazelnuts...whatever is around. Throw a few dried cranberries in with them and it's my perfect (although high calorie) snack.

Homemade bread. I grew up on the best homemade bread in the world and have never turned back. I know there is a lot of anti-grain talk out there today, but I just put my hands over my ears and sing "Bread of Heaven Fill me Till I Want No More" till they stop. It has to be made with freshly ground flour, with no chemicals, preservatives and very little white flour (if any), to really fit the bill. Bread eating is all through the Bible, therefore... I eat.

Fruit is something I'm working on. I really don't love fruit much. Grapes, grapefruit or raspberries MIGHT hit my plate on occasion, but it's a purposeful attempt. So far, this is my favorite's a little off course...I know.

Now that the stars of the show have been introduced, I will attempt to share my favorite recipes once in awhile. There are some wonderful supporting actors that I must give some stage time to as well. What a wonderful performance meal time can be, if we just choose the right players.


Almost nothing makes me smile more than a hot cast iron skillet with onions and garlic sizzling in butter. It is the perfect beginning to almost every dinner!