Hurricanes and Baseball Games

Tomorrow will be our 19th wedding anniversary. I have now been with Guy one year longer than I was with my parents. Yes, 19 years ago my sweetheart and I blissfully made that vow to one another in glory and splendor. My memory provides me with a choppy, hazed version of the pinnacle day in a young girl's life. My mom did most of the work as I ignorantly went about enjoying the moments. Young girls can be like that sometimes...I'm not like that anymore, of course :) Guy was at the height of a throat infection and I was sick with it by the end of the day, but we were still able to function and the day was redeemed. Here are my top 10 memory snippets:

1. Guy's surprise solo to me...face to face.
2. Picking out a pair of earings to wear, last minute.
3. The flowers being the wrong color.
4. My perfect, amazing, Mom-made wedding gown.
5. Being ticked that Guy didn't get his hair cut beforehand.
6. Being overwhelmed with all of the wonderful gifts.
7. Mom's seafood chowder.
8. Dad's kisses.
9. Dr Hobson's heartfelt and wise address to all of us in the ceremony.
10. Having all my loved ones in one place at one

The wedding day was followed by a 4 day honeymoon in Prince Edward island, during Hurricane Hugo. So much for the horseback riding, swimming and whale watching. I guess I didn't matter too much since I was sick in bed most of the time with one of those sore throats that burns to even swallow.

The story does get better though. After a few YEARS of trial and error, we finally started to get the hang of this self-sacrifice, loving patience and total commitment thing. It was well worth the effort. Even though we don't look nearly as good as we used to and we aren't nearly as energetic as we used to be, we are truly more "in love" than we were then. I can honestly say that I understand, feel and want that oneness that marriage produces. I think the effort, the history, the original qualities that attracted me to Guy and the grace and blessing of God have cemented our relationship...but in a more soft and textured kind of cement. In the words of Huey Lewis..."I'm happy to be stuck with you".

It helps to see God's plan in the whole thing. When I was in Jr High school, I attended a baseball game with a bunch of 30 something men playing and their families watching. I was daydreaming (as usual) and talking to God at the same time. As many young girls do, I was trying to imagine myself married and growing a family. A little prayer conversation followed:

"God, would you just show me a quick glimpse of the face of the man I'm going to marry?"

Hoping for Rob Lowe's face to appear before me, nothing happened.

"Ok, that's fine God, but maybe you could just tell me what his name will be? Whatever that man's name is written on his baseball shirt sleeve, that will be the name of my future husband."

I had randomly selected a brown haired, mustached man to carry the prophetic information on his shirtsleeve. I anxiously waited for him to turn in such a way for me to read the name.

"Guy", the sleeve read. I said it in the typical NB french accented way.

"I don't really like that name, God", I casually reacted. Then I abandoned my dreaminess and headed back to real life.

It wasn't until several years after my wedding day that I remembered that baseball game and that conversation with God. He wasn't giving me supernatural direction, but He used my childlike, casual conversation with him to show me his sovereignty and presence much later in life. Seek Him...He does hear you.

Our anniversary is somewhat overshadowed now by our third son's birthday. He was born on our tenth anniversary, so we have to pick a different day of the week to go out for's been hot dogs and corn on the cob from then on.

Marriage, when done God's way, is the grace of life. It's the foundation of society, the security for children and an endangered species. I can't think of too many things that are more important to preserve, protect and fight for. I thank God for His absolutely vital hand in mine and for the hope and pleasure His guidance has brought to our family.

One year till the big 20! Maybe we'll try PEI again...with NO hurricane or illness :)
