Sticky Pillowcases

What a little person will do for candy is quite amazing. I remember those cold, dark nights on many October 31st evenings. The discomfort of that bulky costume, the cold, wet nylon stretched over my face for that ghostly effect and knowing that I was missing that Charlie Brown special made the trek more wearisome. In and and and out...of that warm cozy car in pursuit of the sugary Mother Lode. Tired and frozen toed, I returned home to set up shop on the kitchen chairs and start the wheeling and dealing trades with my sisters. Our brown bag lunches were something pretty special the next day. It was my birthday the next day too, so that was my calm after the storm. The whole experience was just a price I chose to pay for the treats. Not really very exciting...nothing at all like Christmas.

As an adult, I tend to enjoy Halloween much more. I love seeing the local kids growing every year, all the mini visits with my neighbors, sitting in my warm van with a hot mug in hand as the kids gather their treasure and just the feeling of community I get as I watch a whole street bustle with fun and sharing. It's short and sweet (pardon the pun). We always take the opportunity to share the gospel with everyone we give or receive treats from in the form of Adventures in Odyssey CD's or tracts in their treat bag as well. What a great night to double up on door to door ministry!

I realize the pagan roots of Halloween as well as other holidays we celebrate, and the controversy revolving around the issue. Obviously, I want nothing to do with the demonic theme that surrounds this night. My kids never dress up in anything that is not "noble, pure, lovely or admirable" in keeping with Philippians 4:8 and we keep the night simple...devoid of any recognition of it's past heresies. I beleive in redemption. I believe in taking something awful, digusting and wrong and turning it into something of value. Only Jesus can do this...he did it with me so I know He can do with with anyone or anything. Costumes, candy and darkness are not wrong, they all come from God, it's how you use them that matters. I do not look to the roots of things to decide if they should be part of my life. If that were the case, we'd all have to change our last names because there will always be some skeleton in the closet of every family tree.

"Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus."
Philippians 3:13-14

Until I am convicted otherwise, there will be a stash of junk food hidden somewhere in my house that I will find next October, melted, sticky and unused. Another pillowcase ruined.

Redeem the night!
