News I Care About
I like the little rabbit hole I live in. All snug and cozy, hidden from the torrent in the outside world, rarely touched by the stresses I read about in the news. It would be nice to just stay here and "pray" for my world while I enjoy my hobbies, work, and good health while raising my kids in freedom. Once in awhile, however something happens to cause a little fire in my belly and lure me out a little, peeking at the world, desiring to do something to help.
Last week, Jessie Sansone, of Kitchener, Ontario, CANADA, was arrested, strip searched and had his 3 children taken away from him and his wife, because their 4 year old daughter drew a picture of her daddy with a gun...on a white board...which has been no one can see it. The school board and social services stand by their decisions and no apology has been made. A gun was never produced after a home invasion and search. I relay this information because it has not been mentioned on any of the 3 glorious news channels I am so privileged to receive on my television. It's all over SUN News, if you check it out online or have cable though.
This kind of news is very important for Canadian citizens to be made aware of. Our autonomy as parents and the power that government institutions have over our families should be of great concern. Don't think that it will never trickle into your rabbit hole. The position of the school board in Guelph is that they are "co-parents" of these kids and that they had the right to take such action. Did you know that the schools, teachers, principles and bureaucrats were your co-parents??? I never saw their names on my kids' birth certificates. Nor did they help us choose a name, or change their poopy diapers. This is not a communist country and we still have power to prevent it from becoming so.
I feel so bad for these kids. To have strangers come and take you away from your mommy and daddy, all the police, handcuffs, fear and uncertainty involved. This insecurity and violence is exactly what the "powers that be" are supposed to protect us FROM, not inflict upon us. It's not even illegal to own a gun! If those involved truly cared for the child's best interests, then they could have handled this in a much less intrusive and civilized way. Mr.Sansone wasn't even interviewed before all the drama took place. I call this a power play...not even concerned about how it effects the family, just pull out your power and wield it around like a shotgun...wait...guns are dangerous and bad aren't they?? I forgot, regular citizens are not allowed to protect themselves and their families, only those in government are...and remember...he didn't even really have a gun! It was his daughter's imagination! Their concern was for their control, not for those 3 little children. I think it is sweet and Dad must be doing his job if this little girl had an image in her mind of her daddy protecting her from "bad guys and monsters" as she explained to authorities.
Homeschooling in the middle of nowhere does not exempt me from caring for my fellow countrymen and doing something to help our families and our freedom. I just really don't know what to do. I am very grateful for bold and brave news stations like SUN News for stepping out and making us aware of the important, family focused issues, rather than censoring what we the people know. My rabbit hole is a figment of my imagination and I need to live in the real world.
Here is the link to the SUN News Network: