This Present Brightness

A young princess sat thoughtfully in her castle one early morning, pondering the happenings of the concluding week...months...seasons. Being Thanksgiving, her heart was reminded of all the good things and ignored the bad...not giving those memories a moment's worth of honor. Only the laughter, the accomplishments and the friends were given play in her mind. Then the verse, "Be thankful in all things", 1 Thessalonians 5:18 came to mind. She was very glad that the verse did not say "Be thankful FOR all things" but "IN all things". "I can do that", she reasoned...with practice. Her memory slowed down a bit, backed the truck up and stayed for a cautious moment on a bad memory. With furrowed brow and tightened lips, she felt the pain of an occasion and forced herself to glance up at the grace that hovered over that darkness. At the time, she didn't look up, just straight forward at the ugly, visible reality. Now, after the fact, she had the strength to be thankful IN everything. IN that situation, there was a hidden reality. The beautiful truth that she was being held up by strong arms, comforted by divine words and moved forward by an omnipotent Guardian. Saved form the fire breathing dragons.

It is so clear to see now and the spiritual truth is far more valuable than the fleeting, physical circumstances. If only she could overcome the addiction to the physical. Her dependence a bubble baths, extra coffees, chick flicks and the dozens of servants constantly waiting on her. If only she could put on a pair of enchanted, four dimensional glasses that had the power to fade the physical and reveal the spiritual reality always present. That would be cool. They could be small, round and Harry Potterish glasses. Your choice of colors and come with a handy carrying case and spray wash. Eventually, when you become convinced of their worth, you could graduate to contact lenses, allowing you to be in constant awareness of "This Present Brightness". Her creativity continued on to manufacturing, marketing and success. Sometimes creative minds need a good set of brakes. Again, how did she get back to something physical? It's that addiction thing again. 
Seems a little contradictory to need something physical to enhance the spiritual...but isn't that the human way. Chuck the Potter glasses, surrender the hunger to say you must know, have the courage to say I believe, for the power of paradox opens your eyes and blinds those who say they can see (favorite Michael Card lyric).
That's what it takes.
Just practice.

Make yourself look up and say it. Thank you God for...

...this rainy day, it sounds beautiful.
...this peanut butter sandwich on dry bread, it smells nutty.
...this wayward child, who is teaching me to love you first.
...this load of laundry I get to go outside and hang in the fresh air.
...this hospital bed, clean and adjustable. "fun" money which causes me to use my imagination.
...this throbbing pain that modern medicine can take away.
...these wrinkles, gray hair and extra weight that...ok...I have nothing for that one, but I'm working on it.

It gets easier and easier to do once you get the hang of it, but you must make up your mind to do it or it will never happen on it's own. Sometimes I have to walk away from situations, grab my Bible and sit in my hammock to do it. Eventually, you start to run to that non-physical place where the sky is always blue...just don't stay there too long. Many people decide to stay there, forget the physical world altogether and no one gets supper or clean clothes ever again. Learn to take it with you.

Ever meet those people who are always smiling, never in a rush and always listen to how YOU are doing? I think they have it. They are usually older because of the practicing requirement. I am almost 42 and still grumble too much, walk too fast and end up talking about me somehow. But, I am thankful. Thankful that I know this much, have a desire to change and personally understand the secret to contentment...I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

Happy Thanksgiving
