Snapping Cheese
"Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name."
Psalm 100:4
I'm not much of a photographer. My hands are more at home conducting a symphony of hues, wet and palpable, on a quiet canvas. I haven't discovered the beauty in using technology yet, but I LOVE what it produces. Photography, especially macro-photography is a whole other world of art. I am inspired to paint from many snapshots I discover online. Many of my paintings are simple, up-close and personal type images, rather than a busy, detailed masterpiece. I like simple. Two of my favorite photographers are my sister Tracy and my friend Nancy, whose blog is a breath of fresh air for my eyes...and an opportunity to quiz my French language knowledge at the same time ( Although I love what I see in macro photography, I've never thought much about why...until the other day while I read One Thousand Gifts.
The author, Ann Voskamp, describes thankfulness in her photographs. As a busy homeschooling mother of 6, she takes the time to snap photos of the little things. The overlooked things. The things we miss most of the time because we are too busy with the big things. She is making dinner and grabs her camera, on macro setting, leans over a plate of shredded mozzarella in the sunlight and chronicles with her camera. Taking a moment to appreciate and be thankful...and to remember the little things we love. I get it now. I love cheese too. The photos freeze a beautiful moment in time. They make us slow down, even stop and bask in the beauty hidden, right there in plain sight. I've often been seized by a vast field and sunset that leaves no room for overlooking, but a plate of cheese?
My life is filled with little tiny scenes of beauty. Beauty unappreciated, but now realized. I'm not about to take up photography, but I am going to slow down and scan my little world for the small masterpieces right under my nose. I will stop and be thankful for any little thing that can bring joy into my heart in that moment. In everything, give thanks.