Solid Rocks
Our 22nd anniversary has just passed.
We ate Chinese and took a walk together along an Atlantic beach.
We talked about the future, our aging bodies and collected colorful beach stones from the sand.
It was short and refreshing, like a brief sigh in summer air.
Of the many things I could say, both complementary or comical, there is always one thing that I appreciate about my husband. No. Not appreciate. Desperately need, oxygen and water. On days like today, which come around often, I battle the mind. When emotions take over my thinking like a tsunami and I can't seem to find peace about anything...when music soothes but can't anchor...when chocolate pleases but can't nourish...when work distracts but can't rescue...and when friends hug but can't commune...Guy breathes for both of us. To have someone whom you trust that much...
Thankfulness isn't quite enough.
Those stones from the beach aren't formed quickly and easily...
But they are precious.