Joy Again

This could be the first chapter of a very long story. It's a love story. A story of God's love overcoming adversity, reconstructing a broken life and most of us warm blooded women love...a tall, dark and handsome romance becoming a reality. I almost hesitate to begin writing for doubt that it's really happening.

For the past 9 1/2 years I have been walking very closely beside my sister-in-law  as she tried to rebuild her broken heart and broken family. God obviously sent her to us at this fragile time in her life. With all of our hesitations, fears and lack of understanding, we believed we were following God's leading. We poured ourselves over the scriptures, lived in a constant state of prayer and took careful note of experiences that seemed to be God directing. With all of the seemingly obvious direction from God, we still had doubt. Nagging, chronic, unsettling doubt. Doubt that kept us in the boat, hesitant to step out and take His gentle hand and overcome the dark waves.

Her relationship with her Savior grew stronger and became the love of her life. Still, it seemed Mr.Magnum had some divinely placed position in her future...but nothing ever became a reality. Year after year passed. Many people saw what we were seeing, but not a word was spoken about it. An unspoken understanding. A promise under the Christmas tree, reserved for that special day, only to be dreamed of and anticipated. It was unusual and unconventional. Today, people jump into love, act on feelings and leave caution to the wind and then call it "really living". As much as this passionate romantic wanted to encourage that philosophy, I could see the wisdom of experience and trusting God's Word to enter into love His way. So, we waited...and waited...and waited...

You learn to worship while you wait. That's what makes the living abundant. Committing yourself to living firstly for Jesus, then for other people. Amidst differing opinions, wishing the past could have been different and fear of looking like you are doing something just trust His Word and obey. People talked. People assumed. People thought the worst of them...but God knew and they knew that they were being faithful to His leading by waiting for God's "go-ahead". The wait had been long, but necessary to prepare them both for what God had in store. I can only hope that I would be so patient and self-controlled in such a situation.

The joy and assurance in the air is full. The wedding bells play the song of a fulfilled promise. The preparations are a little surreal. It's one week away. A day ordained by God and set aside to proclaim His faithfulness and redeeming power. It will be a worship service, prayerfully, reflecting God's love for His bride the Church and a testament to His faithfulness and living power.

God's simple promise to her:

"There will be joy again."
