Church in a Circle



That was the roller coaster of  emotion I experienced on  Oct 21.

Being typical rural Maritimers, we heat our home with stuff of New Brunswick. Thick, scented cozy wood. Lumbermen have been in my family for generations. My ancestors ran lumber mills.  My dad manages his own woodlot...for fun. My 18 year old son has worked at a lumber mill for 4 summers. My husband gets out  there every Autumn to fall trees, cut and stack them for a warm NB winter. It's in the blood and contagious.

I can hear the loader at the local lumber mill my son works at humming during the hot summer days as I work my garden or coffee break in my hammock. It is my call to prayer. Anyone working with power saws needs constant prayer. Four summers of mercy and grace in the area of power saw injuries. I never pray that much when my husband goes to the woods. I guess I should have.

One brief second of a chainsaw with a mind of it's own has dictated the course of our lives for the coming year. My husband didn't lose much blood, his leg or his life, but he has lost control over his schedule for awhile and physical wellness. Surgeries, therapy and hard work are predicted. God has prepared him for this. He spoke to him through His Word shortly before the incident which  gave him much peace in the woods. He provided us with the vehicle we would need for the numerous hospital runs he'll have to make and the people...oh my...the people.

In ministry, you often deal with people on the giving's what the job is. Never have we, in our lives experienced as much love, help and commitment than in the past two weeks. I have so many muffins, soup and fruit in the hospital refrigerator, I might get kicked out of the kitchen soon. My kids have a dozen or more welcoming homes to stay in while I'm with Guy. Visitors and well wishers by the droves surrounding us in a protective, strong circle. This is the family of God. People who would give practically anything to make our lives easier and our minds rest. You don't fully realize the power of God's love in His children until your back is against a wall...or your leg is half off...sorry for the crude, but literal analogy :)

That's what it is. Not the "stuff" necessarily that they provide, although it is needed, but the assurance and peace that we are taken care of. That no matter what we need, physical or spiritual, it will be provided, by hook or by crook, by these relentless, resourceful, compassionate, lovers of Jesus and...unbelievably We lack nothing. Never feel alone. Watch the hand of God love powerfully. Awesome.

It's not humanitarian. It's Goditarian. Followers of Christ do these things. He broke the trail of self sacrifice and empathy. Many people are nice and willing to give, but to give till it hurts...without people you may not even like very much...that takes Jesus.

It's true that under the pressure of a trial is usually when you see the power of God best and His closeness...His love...His hope.

To Him and to all who have given in some way...thank you...God bless you...and may I be there for you someday with arms wide open.


Anonymous said…
Well written Holly, we will continue to pray and be available as you continue through this journey. Much love Heather