The little things are so precious...the last rays of sunshine at the end of the day, a dog's faithfulness, and a sturdy feed bucket. I needed some fresh air and sun at the end of a long hard day. Dreams of spring and having that comfy patio table and chair set from Sears, were making me a bit...dissatisfied. With mounds of hard snow everywhere and nothing to sit on, I was determined to catch those last warm rays before dark. I found a private spot behind the garage facing my mountain. With my long, warm hockey coat and tea in hand, I searched for a chair. Nothing but a good ole' feed bucket was found. That'll have to do...sun's almost gone. For the next 15 minutes or so, I drank in my peaceful view, the sun's warmth, the freshest of air and my hot green tea...on an upside down feed bucket. What an awesome few moments. They were interrupted only by the comedy of my dog and son #2. Gabe was trying to play hockey while Shadey continued to steal his pucks and bring them to me for safe keeping. Gabe's laughter added to my pleasure. Tea was gone and I was ready to get back into the race...with an atittude of thankfulness.


howard said…
"We do not remember days; we remember moments."