Paint, Bread and Dr.Seuss

Oh my...I'm going through withdrawal. My computer has been down for awhile and I'm in need of a stroll in my Ruby Red Shoes. School is well underway, with writing assignments, math blocks and library books decorating the dinning room again. I'll have to write another blog about some of my great school finds this season...there are so many good things out there.

Anyhow, I thought I'd share some of the things I've been enjoying lately. Especially one...PAINTING CLASS! Real, live, professional instruction...right across the road from my house...not kidding...across the steps away. God knew I wouldn't go out of my way to do something like this, so He got in my face, took away all of my excuses and said "You are going to do this". I did NOT kick and scream. I stood, jaw dropped and thankful that I can have such a pleasure without feeling guilty or selfish at this busy time in life. Great time, great location and great price and absolutely great teacher...Diane Davis...from Browns Flat. I'll have to find some of her work to show off. AMAZING...just what I like. SO glad it's not a Picasso type painter instructing me...I don't need more asymmetry in my life. Realistic Impressionism...much more desirable and pleasing to my eye. I'm still messing around with flowers however, so here are the latest attempts:

...and if you like this:

...then you might like this:

...I'm not thrilled with this one...strange perspective on the flowers.

I'm also enjoying this:

Not so much making them, but having them and eating them is wonderful. I'm not enamored with the sticky, detailed, timely process of canning...but do it anyway.

...and this!!!

I got tired of the price of bread for 6 people...and the lack of nutrition in the affordable loaves. So with this baby, I can make 6 loaves in about 3-4 hours! Yummy, stone ground wheat bread, fresh from the oven! Even though my new convertible (top comes off) was pricey, it's still cheaper in the long run.

Check out the horsepower in this little sweetheart:'s a bit of my Dad coming out in me :) Funny how "Bosch" and "Porsche" sound similar.
I am the "Bosch" in this kitchen ;)

And the last thing I'll share with you is this:

The younger ragamuffins and I are completely back into Dr.Seuss lately. Such a fun way to start the school year off. Actually, my second oldest boy, who sometimes displays Jim Carey my great distress...has been listening to us read Suessy stories and can spontaneously create his own. Pretty good ones too. Some gifts we don't ask for, but try to find the light in them and just smile.

So now I've updated you a no one thinks I've been in a coma or kidnapped or anything. Just painting, gardening, reading and cruising in my Bosch. I have a love affair with homemade bread. I can thank my Mom for that...she is the real Bosch of bread making :)
