Composure...Be Still and Know

I read a meme this week that said "I can't be responsible for the looks my face makes when you speak" . I laughed. That's  me. My body reacts too quickly in response to negative stimulus. Before my brain can totally comprehend what is going on, I've reacted...usually overreacted. You can't take back the look or gesture you have given to stupidity, terror or tragedy. The heart on your sleeve is now donning your entire body and even though your mouth isn't moving, your body is speaking loud and clear. I'm working very hard at controlling that bad language. I'm afraid my body language would utter a silent curse word if I didn't restrain it! I want even my composure to be speaking peace and faith...always.

The practice of being still and calm is a great asset for us overreactionaries to aquire. As Rudyard Kipling reminds us "...if you can meet with triumph and disaster, and treat these two imposters just the same..." we will grow stronger and wiser...if. So, practice being still...waiting to react until your mind knows all the facts. Be still and know...know what?

If you be still and know that your life is chaos, you are helpless to do anything about it, and that you are stuck...well that might not exactly bring much peace. I like myself ok, and everyone actually loves themselves (that's where reflex self preservation kicks in), but I'm not the "be all" and "end all" of my life. I know my limits. So, I choose to be still and know the sovereignty,  power and perfect love of God. That I know. That I trust. That gives me peace and hope.

The "If" in treating triumph and disaster the same is in trusting Almighty to use either one of them to my benefit, joy and salvation. No matter how you sit still and know...compose yourself. Remember that your body speaks, people listen and you have wonderful things to say and share.

5x5x1.5 Tiny Art..."Composure...Be Still and Know"
